Discovery of ancient civilizations history
Discovery of ancient civilizations
China, Greece, India, Egypt, Babylon, and some countries in South America developed urban civilizations in ancient times. What is found in these samples of civilizations often amazes us. For example, some examples of the Harappa Mohenjo-Daro civilization, the pyramids of Egypt, and the Maya or Aztec civilizations of South America.
The city excavated from Mohenjodaro was found to have streets thirty-five feet wide. Houses on either side of the wide road, and the canal runs along the sides of those houses. A few two-storied houses and corner bricks have been found, which are considered to be an amazing examples of engineering of the period. Apart from this, some other things have been found in the grain storage area, from which it seems that there was an advanced urban civilization in ancient India about five thousand years ago. This civilization developed on the banks of the Indus River.
Ancient Greece and Rome also specialized in building houses and roads. The Romans built long roads from the city of Rome through the Alps to distant France. The roads they built stretched from Spain to Syria, from England to North Africa. About fifty thousand miles of roads were built throughout the Roman Empire.
These roads were made by laying big stones and arranging a layer of small stones on them. Used to fill gaps. Sand, sometimes lime is the spice of Suki. In some places, the use of wood instead of stone has also been seen. It is known that markets used to be located along these roads around temples or palaces. People from different countries used to come to these markets for trade. Due to that, the exchange between the civilizations and cultures of different countries was possible.
The Greeks were also particularly adept at building roads. Apart from this, they had special skills in building houses and temples. In those days houses were made of big stones. The roof was covered with simple stone slabs made of tree branches. But the problem lies in bridging the gap between the two walls. The Greeks were the first to use arches to bridge these gaps.
The ancient civilization of Egypt is called the 'Civilization of the Blues. Because this civilization was built on the banks of the Nile River and centered on the Nile River. According to the writings of the ancient historian Herodotus, many canals were cut on both sides of this river. All these canals extended to the Red Sea. The tidal water of the river was spread over a wide area through canals and helped in irrigation. The soil was also quite fertile, resulting in abundant crops.
The cities of Egypt were built around the pyramids. These pyramids were built by the kings with thousands of stone blocks as their future tombs. It is said that 100,000 people worked for 20 years to build the Great Pyramid. So high the stones were lifted up the sloping sand road next to the pyramids. Sometimes a log of wood was thrown over it and pushed over it. The pyramids still amaze us today for many reasons.
The kind of advanced engineering required to build these pyramids is believed to have been rare in ancient times. But many such pyramids were built in Latin America. Which are considered one of the wonders of antiquity. I have already said that the city was built around these pyramids. The rule was that everyone left the city after the death of the king.
Then the city was rebuilt next to the new pyramid. Early on these ancient cities of Egypt were open. In later times, cities were surrounded by moats, so that the enemy could not easily enter the city. More such moated or walled cities have been found in ancient India and Greece.
The biggest example is the Great Wall of China. This 1,680-mile-long wall was built 300 years before the birth of Jesus Christ to prevent the invasion of Mongolian Tatars. It is the only human-made object that can be seen from space.
Not just cities, walls, or irrigation systems – engineering developed in ancient times in many other ways. Like boats, how boats were made, I have already said. Many scholars believe that Polynesians invented the first boat.
The word Polynesia means a collection of many islands. In fact, the islands like Tokelau Hawaii, Easter, Tonga, Samoa, etc. scattered like small dots in the Pacific Ocean are called Polynesian Islands. The inhabitants of these islands build boats for fishing and also for traveling to and from the islands. Among these boats was a type of boat called kayep, which could move at great speed. Apart from this, there were various ships like 'Popo', and 'Nadraya', in which the Polynesians used to go to sea.

On the other hand, some other advanced civilizations known as 'Maya', 'Aztec', 'Inca' etc. were developed in distant South America. Pyramids and large pyramid-like temples have been discovered there, which suggests that the 'Mayans' were also highly advanced in engineering.
In Assyria and Babylon, houses were made of burnt clay bricks. A peach-like substance was used as a spice for those bricks. There is a temple in Phoenicia, which is believed to have been carved out of a mountain like Elora. That is, before the birth of Christ, human civilization had advanced far in the science of construction.