How to Control Diabetes Full Explanation
As for the control of diabetes
The rate at which the number of diabetes patients is increasing every year in the world does not reduce the anxiety of healthy people. The rate of increase of this disease in Bangladesh is also alarming. An irregular diet is one of the causes of diabetes. However, experts said that this disease can be controlled to a large extent by eating moderate food at regular intervals. Diabetes. In order to control what kind of food you should eat consult with the doctor or guide to make a list.
Start breakfast with healthy food. We have been thinking for a long time, we have been thinking that if we eat more, our health is better! But this is a very wrong idea as evidenced by health disasters around the world today. And if we talk about tasty food, how easily do we get addicted to it? This is also a very wrong practice. Health experts believe that diabetes has become a global epidemic as a result of these wrong habits. What is the way out of this crisis? In this case, their only advice is to control your eating habits! This is the key to staying healthy in today's world. This is even more true in the case of diabetes!
A moderate diet including breakfast is very important for people of all ages, especially school-going children.
After a diagnosis of diabetes, a diet is prescribed. But all kinds of sweets (molasses, sugar, sherbet, cake, Petri, jam), soft drinks, and cow's milk are completely excluded. Patients should eat rice, bread, fish, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, and fruits regularly to fill sugary and non-vegetarian food. It is necessary to make a list of foods that will not have any significant variation in food quality. Amount from there. Regularly changing food (exchange from the list) should be eaten. If one list consists of three wholemeal pieces of bread (90 grams) for breakfast, another day's bread rolls or some other food can be eaten instead of bread from another list. Any other non-vegetarian food can be eaten instead of 30 grams of fish on the lunch menu, but the quantity should be correct. It will bring variety in food, diabetes will also be controlled. If you cannot eat the listed food due to illness, then you should eat a cup of milk-barley or milk-sapta, fruit juice, or canned water every meal.
We have known for a long time that animal fat in the diet is unhealthy. The world's health experts also used to recommend eating low-fat and grain-based foods. In the end, it was not good for the people of Earth. Maybe due to its long-term effects, the incidence of type 2 diabetes has increased in different countries of the world. Its prevalence can be said to have doubled in the United States. It does not end here. This disease is now appearing in young adults as well. Health experts now blame sugar and grain-like foods for the increase in the incidence of diabetes.
Three important factors for the diet of diabetic patients are - the time of food intake, the quantity of food, and the type of food. He can stay healthy if he follows these things as per the advice of a doctor. There is no difference between diabetics and healthy people except for sweet foods. Diabetic patients can also eat all kinds of food according to the rules. It is very important for a healthy person to eat moderate meals on time.
Experts say that hypoglycemia (low diabetes levels) can occur if diabetic patients do not eat. In this condition, the patient may die. Patients should eat according to the rules. Accordingly, it is necessary to eat six times a day. Timing is very important for those taking insulin or medication. If a medicine is to be taken 20 minutes after a meal, it should be taken at that time. The time at which you take insulin or medicine every day cannot be neglected. A separate food list should be prepared for the patient. Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient's diet may vary. The amount of food varies depending on the age, weight, and height of the patient. However, with the change in the level of the disease, the amount of food also changes.
Managing diabetes does not have to be complicated or difficult. The principle of controlling it is the control of eating habits. That is to strictly adhere to what food and how much to eat. Physical exercise should be added to this. However, the quantity of food and the type of food is the most important.
If the diabetic patient does not exercise much then he should consume 1kcal/kg/1 hour of food per hour. If a person weighs 50 kg. Then he should consume such food that can produce 50x1kalx1 = 50kcal energy per hour. Then 50x24=1200 kilos of energy can be produced in 1 day. If you work hard, you need to eat more calories. 1 gram of glucose produces 5kcal and 1 gram of protein produces 5kcal and 1 gram of fat produces about 9 cal of energy.
The amount of food should be 45-60% sugar, 10-20% fat, and remaining protein. If one is underweight then one should eat more calories and if one is overweight one should eat fewer calories. In general, it can be said that meat, fish, eggs, and milk are in limited amounts like rice, and bread, but fruits and vegetables can be eaten as desired.
Diet is all about keeping our BMI right. BMI is Kg/m2. A man weighs 100 kg and is 2 meters tall. His BMI is 100/22=25 Our body BMI normal level is 18-24. If below 18 we say Under Weight and above 24 we say obese. So food should be selected in such a way that BMI is between 18-24. Diabetes control points are breakfast at 8 am 2 medium size bread, vegetables as needed, milk/tea (without sugar), 11 am 2-3 biscuits or 1 cup of bread, 2 pm rice medium 1 plate (200 gm), vegetables as desired, Fish/meat-1 piece, Dal-1 cup. 5 pm 2-3 biscuits, 1 cup of milk without the sugar and 9 pm 2 bread and vegetables as desired. 2 biscuits, 1 piece of fruit and 1 cup of milk without sugar before going to bed. If someone is underweight then the amount of food should be increased a little and if someone is over weight then the amount of food should be reduced a little.
Blood glucose levels should be kept under control for diabetic patients to lead a normal life. Controlling blood glucose levels requires discipline, exercise, diet, and weight control. If it is not possible to control diabetes by doing these things, then drugs and insulin have to be taken. Insulin is the main medicine in the treatment of diabetes Before the discovery of insulin, most type-1 diabetics died within five years of diagnosis. The situation changed after the discovery of insulin. At present, a large proportion of diabetic patients use insulin. The demand for insulin is also increasing day by day. Apart from this, there has been a great change in the method of making insulin.
In 1921, insulin was produced from the pancreas of belting animals. Since then, insulin has been used to treat diabetes. But using animal insulin had many complications. However, the process of making insulin, which acts like insulin in the human body, has been going on since the beginning. In 1980, human insulin was developed through DNA technology to solve this problem. In 1999, insulin analog, or modern insulin came through DNA technology.
Insulin is usually given as an injection under the skin. The main purpose of taking insulin is to keep blood glucose levels as normal as possible. Blood glucose control is better and easier with insulin. By properly controlling blood glucose, patients can prevent various complications of diabetes such as blindness, kidney complications, heart attack, stroke, diabetic foot, etc.
Many diabetics are not interested in taking insulin despite being advised to take insulin due to some misconceptions. He hesitated to take insulin even after being repeatedly instructed by the doctor.
A study conducted on diabetics in rural Bangladesh found that when diabetics start taking insulin, they think it is the last resort. Since the majority of people in Bangladesh (72 percent) live in rural areas, the rural people. For the first time in 1999, the Bangladesh Diabetic Association and Oslo University of Norway jointly started the research project called Chandra Rural Diabetes Study in order to find diabetes and its causes. Through this project, a scientific survey was conducted on 4 thousand 757 people in 1999, 3 thousand 181 people in 2004, and 3 thousand people in 2009 in 20 villages in the Chandra area of Gazipur district. Dr. Biswajit Bhowmik is the Research Fellow of this study. He said fear of insulin is more common among people in villages than in cities. However, he personally saw that many doctors have misconceptions about insulin. They also think that once insulin is taken, there is no escape. Modern world-class insulin is also available in Bangladesh in addition to normal insulin. In some cases, diabetes can be treated with oral medications if the condition improves after starting with insulin. The places where insulin is injected into the body are under the skin of the abdomen (next to the navel), under the skin of the front of the thigh, and under the skin of the waist.
Insulin is usually stored in the refrigerator. But in no way can it be allowed to freeze in the cold. It will lose its effectiveness if it freezes in the cold. Can be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of 20 to 30 centigrade. Once used, the vial can be used for up to one month if kept at normal room temperature. In essence, the cause of diabetes is the decrease in insulin in the body. Inside our stomach, there is an organ called Pancreas which continuously secretes insulin. If for some reason the secretion of insulin decreases, then diabetes occurs. There are two types of diabetes type-1 and type-2. Type-1 diabetes occurs if a person's pancreas cannot produce insulin at all. Type-2 diabetes occurs if one's pancreas secretes insulin but not enough. So in type-1 diabetes, since insulin is not secreted at all, type-1 diabetes must be treated with insulin, medicine will not work. Type 1 diabetes is common in young people and those with a low BMI.
Again, in type-2 diabetes, since little insulin is secreted, it is possible to treat this type of diabetes with oral medication. Type-2 diabetes usually occurs in obese people and older people.
However, it must be remembered that if a patient with type-2 diabetes has any complications such as (diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic gangrene, stroke, heart attack, etc.) they must be treated with insulin. Then medicine will not work. If a patient has a baby in the stomach, then it is not possible to treat it with medicine, then it should be treated with insulin.
Note that type-2 diabetes is usually treated with oral medications. But if the diabetes level rises above 300 mg/dL in the morning before meals or 400 mg/dL after meals, then insulin must be treated. But one thing must be remembered, the treatment of diabetes must be done according to the doctor's advice.