Introduction Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence

Best book name for AI:

  • 1. Artificial Intelligence
    • – Elaine Rich
    • – Kevin Knight
  • 2. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
    • – Stuart Russell
    • – Peter Norvig
  • 3. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence &
    • Expert Systems
    • – Dan W. Patterson
Here we discuss - 
  1. What is the definition of intelligence?
  2. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
  3. Is Artificial Intelligence a blessing or curse explain?
  4. What are the four Goals of AI?
  5. Why AI is important?
  6. How does the Turing Test work?
  7. Write down the difference between Strong AI and Weak AI.

Question: What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Ans: It is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines.

John McCarthy, Dartmouth Conference, 1956 Says--
―the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.

Question:  What is the definition of intelligence?
Intelligence can be defined as the ability to solve complex problems or make decisions with outcomes benefiting the actor.

Question: What is AI?
Ans: Russell and Norvig, 2003 Says--
―the study and design of computing systems that perceive their environment and take actions like human beings

Rich and Knight, 1991 Says--
―the study of how to make computers do things at which at the moment, people are better.

Question: Is Artificial Intelligence a blessing or curse explain?
Ans: The blessing is that AI can be like a super-smart friend that helps us solve difficult problems. It can analyze data quickly and give us useful information. It can do boring and repetitive tasks for us, like sorting emails or cleaning the house. This gives us more free time. In healthcare, AI can help doctors find diseases early and discover new treatments faster, which can save lives. That has also Curse. AI can sometimes invade our privacy by collecting too much information about us, like what we do online or where we go. It can replace some jobs, like those in factories or offices. This can make it hard for people to find work. Also, it can make mistakes or show unfair bias because it learns from data, and if the data has errors or prejudice, AI can repeat them.

So, AI is like a powerful tool. How we use it determines whether it's a blessing or a curse. It's important to use AI responsibly to make sure it benefits us more than it harms us.

Question: What are the four Goals of AI?
Ans: The goals of AI are to make machines that can think and act like humans or rationally.
  1. Think like humans: Machines can learn to reason, remember, and feel like humans do. Examples of such systems are chatbots, computer vision systems, natural language understanding systems, etc.
  2. Think rationally: Machines can use logic and math to solve problems and make decisions. Examples of such systems are expert systems, theorem provers, game-playing systems, etc.
  3. Act like humans: Machines can communicate and behave like humans do. Examples of such systems are virtual assistants, social robots, conversational agents, etc.
  4. Act rationally: Machines can achieve their goals in the best way possible. Examples of such systems are self-driving cars, autonomous drones, recommender systems, etc.

Question: Why AI is important?
Ans: AI is important for several reasons:
• 1.Most Important Developments: It is one of the most important developments of this century.
• 2.Impact on Lives: AI will significantly affect the lives of most individuals in civilized countries by the end of the century.
• 3.Economic Dominance: Countries leading in the development of AI will emerge as dominant economic powers in the world.
• 4. Global Recognition: Many leading economic countries recognized the importance of AI development as early as the late 1970s.
• 5.Future Tied to Investment: The future of a country is closely tied to the commitment it is willing to make to funding research programs in AI.

Question: How Turing Test work?

Ans: The Turing Test is like a conversation game. A "Human interrogator" chats with a "hidden" human and an AI System. If the interrogator can't tell which is human, the AI System passes as intelligent. That is a Turing Test.

Question: Write down the difference between Strong AI and Weak AI.
Ans: here difference between Strong AI and Weak AI.
Strong AI Weak AI
Strong AI approaches or surpasses human intelligence. Weak AI is designed for specific problem-solving tasks, like chess programs.
It can perform human tasks, use broad knowledge, and have self-awareness. It lacks human-like self-awareness and abilities.
Aims to create machines indistinguishable from humans in overall ability. It's intelligent for specific tasks but doesn't replicate human intelligence

Note: Source material can be gathered from a variety of places, including the internet, books, and slides.