Secret discovery of the pyramids

Secret discovery of the pyramids

The Pyramids, are one of the seventh wonders of the world. Ancient Egypt was ruled by pharaohs. The tomb temples built over their graves became known as pyramids. There are 75 small pyramids in Egypt. The largest and most impressive is the Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramids. It was built around 5000 BC.

Its height is about 481 feet. It is situated on a plot of 755 sq. ft. It took... 20 years and 1 lakh laborers to build it. The pyramid was built with huge blocks of stone. Each stone block weighed about 60 tons and was 30 to 40 feet long.

They were collected from the distant Durant hills. The pyramids were built by joining stone to stone in such a way that there was not a single gap between one stone and another.