Our brain is protected by several hard bones called the skull. The bones of skulls are very hard. There are some spaces between the bones called sinuses. The head is light for this sinus. The sinuses continuously secrete fluid and drain through the nose. Various reasons such as Nasal Polyp, Allergic Rhinitis, and DNS can result in obstruction of the nose and the sinuses become infected and it is called sinusitis.
Sinusitis pain is more in the front of the head and forehead. Pain is worse during winter. Decreases at the beginning of the day and gradually increases Pain is sharp in nature. Sharp pain is felt when the hand is pressed on the facial bone and forehead bone. The patient may have a fever or febrile fever. X-Ray PNS o/m view can easily detect sinusitis.
Sinusitis is treated with an antibiotic and nasal decongested spray. Most headaches go away. But some patients do not get better they have to do Antral Wash. But if there is Nasral obstruction then it should be treated. For example, if there is a Nasal Polyp or DNS, the polyp or DNS must be treated under the supervision of a specialist doctor.