Headache due to subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH):
The tough covering around the brain is called the meninges. There are 3 layers of meninges, the innermost layer attached to the brain is called the pyometra. The outermost one is called the dura mater. In the middle is Arachoinmater. The space between Arachoinmater and Piamater is called Subarachnoid Space, usually, there is CSF in this space. If the blood vessels of the brain are torn, blood can enter this space, it is called SAH.
SAH occurs suddenly. The pain is more in the back of the head. Unbelievable headache that I have never experienced in my life. No one has a history of headaches in their life, but a sudden severe headache in the back is suspected of SAH. Severe headache is medically called Thunderclap headache. Vomiting with headache, stiff neck, difficulty seeing light, convulsions, and the patient may even faint.
CT Scan of Bain can easily detect the disease. LP (Lumber puncture) can confirm the disease even if blood is found in the CSF.
If you are diagnosed with this disease, you must be admitted to the hospital. If the patient's condition improves after being treated with medicine for a few days, after confirming the blood vessels by CT Angiography, the ruptured blood vessels are tied by Neurosurgery. Fastened with clips. Because people who have had SAH once are more likely to have it again. Then the patient's life is in danger. Therefore, treatment should be done as per the advice of a specialist physician.