Vacuum World State Space Graph

Vacuum World State Space Graph

states: discrete: dirt and robot locations (ignore dirt amounts etc.)
actions: Left, Right, Suck, NoOp
goal test: no dirt
path cost: 1 per action (0 for NoOp)

Vacuum World State Space Graph for 2 House

Vacuum World State Space Graph for 3 House

In the Vacuum World problem, think of it as a game for a cleaning robot. Here are the simple rules for the Vacuum World State Space Graph:

Environment: It's like a room with a grid.

States: A state describes what the room looks like - are the squares clean or dirty? Where is the robot?
Initial State: It's the starting condition of the room.
Actions: The robot can either "Clean" a dirty square or "Move" to an adjacent square.
Transition: When the robot takes an action, the room changes accordingly.
State Space Graph: It's like a map of all possible states and how they connect through actions.
Goal State: The state where every square in the room is clean.

So, the goal is to find a sequence of actions in the state space graph that will get the room clean. It's like a puzzle-solving game for the robot!