PEAS in artificial intelligence with Example

PEAS in artificial intelligence with Example

PEAS means Performance measure, Environment, Actuators, and Sensors.
To design a rational agent, we must specify the task environment.

  • Performance Measure: This is like a report card for the AI, telling us how well it's doing its job.
  • Environment: Think of this as the AI's playground or the place where it works.
  • Actuators: These are like the AI's hands or tools that let it interact with the environment.
  • Sensors: These are the AI's eyes and ears that help it gather information from the environment.

So, PEAS helps us understand how well an AI works in its environment and how it uses its tools to get the job done.

Here are some examples of peas descriptions:

Agent: An automated taxi
Performance measure: safety, destination, profits, legality, comfort, …….
Environment: US streets/freeways, traffic, pedestrians, weather, …….
Actuators: steering, accelerator, brake, horn, speaker/display, ….
Sensors: video, accelerometers, gauges, engine sensors, keyboard, GPS, ……

Agent: Medical diagnosis system
Performance measure: Healthy patient, minimize costs, lawsuits
Environment: Patient, hospital, staff
Actuators: Screen display (questions, tests, diagnoses, treatments, referrals)
Sensors: Keyboard (entry of symptoms, findings, patient's answers)

Agent: Part-picking robot
Performance measure: Percentage of parts in correct bins
Environment: Conveyor belt with parts, bins
Actuators: Jointed arm and hand
Sensors: Camera, joint angle sensors

Agent: Vacuum cleaner
Performance measure: Cleanliness, security, battery
Environment: Room, table, carpet, floors
Actuators: Wheels, brushes
Sensors: Camera, sensors

Agent: Interactive English tutor
Performance measure: Maximize student's score on test
Environment: Set of students
Actuators: Screen display (exercises, suggestions, corrections)
Sensors: Keyboard

Agent: Internet shopping agent
Performance measure: price, quality, appropriateness, efficiency
Environment: current and future WWW sites, vendors, shippers
Actuators: display to user, follow URL, fill in form
Sensors: HTML pages (text, graphics, scripts)

Agent: Any university
Performance Measure: Good education, happy students, strong reputation, financial stability, rule
Environment: Campus, students, faculty, courses, regulations.
Actuators: Professors, staff, campus facilities, finances, marketing.
Sensors: Student records, classroom tech, financial data, feedback, and regulations.

Agent: Any university Classroom.
Performance Measure: Effective learning, student engagement, knowledge retention, classroom
Environment: Classroom setting, students, instructors, course materials, academic rules.
Actuators: Teachers, students, teaching aids, classroom equipment, and course materials.
Sensors: Student participation, teacher feedback, classroom technology, attendance records, syllabus

Agent: Chatbot system
Performance Measure: Maximize user satisfaction and provide helpful responses.
Environment: Online platform or app where users interact with the chatbot.
Actuators: Text responses generated by the chatbot.
Sensors: Microphone or keyboard for input, and text analysis tools to understand and respond to user messages.

Agent: Autonomous vehicle
Performance Measure: Safely transport passengers from one location to another with efficiency, minimizing accidents and obeying traffic rules.
Environment: Roads and traffic conditions, including other vehicles and pedestrians.
Actuators: Steering, brakes, accelerator, turn signals, and other control mechanisms necessary for driving.
Sensors: Cameras, radar, lidar, GPS, and various sensors to perceive the vehicle's surroundings, road conditions, and traffic.

Agent: Any university CSE Department.
Performance Measure: Quality education, skilled graduates, research output, faculty expertise, industry
Environment: Academic department, students, faculty, computer labs, CSE curriculum.
Actuators: Professors, students, lab equipment, curriculum development, industry collaborations.
Sensors: Student performance, research publications, lab equipment status, course evaluations, industry demands

Agent: Playing a tennis match
Performance Measure: Win the tennis match by scoring more points than the opponent.
Environment: Tennis court with a net, opponent, and tennis ball.
Actuators: Tennis racket, feet, and arms for hitting the ball.
Sensors: Eyes to see the ball, ears to hear the score, and touch to feel the racket and ball

Agent: Automated taxi driver
Performance Measure: Safely transport passengers to their destinations while following traffic rules.
Environment: City streets, traffic, and passengers waiting for rides.
Actuators: Steering wheel, pedals, brakes, and accelerator for driving the taxi.
Sensors: Cameras, radar, GPS, and sensors to see the road, other vehicles, and passengers.

Agent: Playing soccer
Performance Measure: Win the soccer match by scoring more goals than the opposing team.
Environment: Soccer field with goals, teams, and a ball.
Actuators: Legs and feet for kicking the ball, and the whole body for running and defending.
Sensors: Eyes to see the ball and other players, ears to hear the referee, and touch to feel the ball.

Agent: Medical diagnosis system
Performance Measure: Accurately identify a patient's medical condition or illness, providing a correct diagnosis.
Environment: Hospital or healthcare setting with patients, medical records, and diagnostic tests.
Actuators: Display diagnostic results, recommendations, and treatment options to doctors and patients.
Sensors: Input from various medical tests, such as X-rays, blood tests, and patient symptoms.

Agent: Face recognition system
Performance Measure: Accurately identify and verify individuals' faces.
Environment: Public spaces, security areas, or devices like smartphones and computers.
Actuators: Grant or deny access, or provide information, based on recognized faces.
Sensors: Cameras to capture and analyze facial features and patterns.

Agent: Autonomous Mars rover
Performance Measure: Successfully explore Mars, gather scientific data, and avoid obstacles or hazards.
Environment: The surface of Mars, with rocks, sand, and the Martian atmosphere.
Actuators: Wheels, cameras, arms, and tools for movement, data collection, and analysis.
Sensors: Cameras, spectrometers, temperature sensors, and more to observe the Martian terrain and environment.

Agent: Alexa (or similar voice assistant)
Performance Measure: Understand and respond to user voice commands or questions accurately and quickly.
Environment: A home or office where the device is placed, and connected to the internet.
Actuators: Speakers to provide responses and execute commands (e.g., setting timers, playing music).
Sensors: Microphones to listen to user voice commands and questions.

Agent: Refinery controller
Performance Measure: Efficiently manage the refining process, ensuring the production of high-quality products and safe operation.
Environment: The refinery, including equipment, pipelines, and various chemical processes.
Actuators: Valves, pumps, temperature controllers, and other equipment for regulating the refining process.
Sensors: Sensors for measuring factors like temperature, pressure, flow rates, and chemical composition within the refinery.

Agent: Crossword puzzle
Performance Measure: Fill in all the blank spaces with correct words that match the clues.
Environment: The crossword grid with empty spaces and written clues.
Actuators: Pen or pencil used to write in the answers.
Sensors: Eyes and brain to read the clues and decide on the correct words to fill in.

Agent: Task environment
Performance Measure: Successfully complete a specific task or goal efficiently and accurately.
Environment: The specific situation or context where the task is being carried out.
Actuators: Tools, equipment, or actions used to achieve the task's objectives.
Sensors: Perception or feedback mechanisms to gather information about the task and its progress.

Agent: AI system
Performance Measure: Achieve its intended goal effectively, such as answering questions, making recommendations, or playing games.
Environment: The application or platform where the AI operates, like a chatbot, recommendation system, or gaming console.
Actuators: Text or speech generation, recommendations, or actions taken within the application.
Sensors: Input mechanisms like text, voice, or data to gather information and understand user needs.